Quick view Teleflex Medical Arrowg+ard Blue Plus Three-Lumen CVC 3-L CVC KIT: 7 FR X 16 CM (6”) Retail Price: Was: $1,153.95 Your Price: $796.95
Quick view Arrow International Arrowg+ard Blue Plus® Two-Lumen CVC PI CVC KIT: 2-L 7 FR X 20 CM AGB Retail Price: Was: $910.95 Your Price: $875.95
Quick view Arrow International ARROWg+ard Blue Plus Multi-Lumen CVC, 3-LUMEN 7 FR X 20 CM, 5/Cs Retail Price: Was: Your Price: $534.95
Quick view MultiLumen Pressure Injectable CVC KIT: 3L 7 FR X 20 CM 5/Case Retail Price: Was: Your Price: $604.95
Quick view Arrowg+ard Blue Three-Lumen CVC CVC KIT: 3-Lumen 7 FR X 30cm, 5/Case Retail Price: Was: Your Price: $717.95
Quick view Arrow International Two-Lumen CVC Kit w/Blue FlexTip ARROWg+ard Blue Catheter 5 Fr. x 2" Retail Price: Was: Your Price: $562.95
Quick view Arrow International ARROWg+ard Blue Two-Lumen Hemodialysis Catheter Kit, 2-LUMEN 14 FR X 15 cm Retail Price: Was: Your Price: $594.95
Quick view Arrow International Pressure Inject Arrowg, blue plus 2 Lumen , 7 Fr x 20 cm AGB Retail Price: Was: $1,452.95 Your Price: $875.95
Quick view Arrow International Pressure Injectable Arrowg+ard Blue Advance PICC SET 2-L: 5.5 FR X 55 CM Retail Price: Was: $1,059.95 Your Price: $1,007.95
Quick view Teleflex Medical Arrowg+ard Blue Plus Three-Lumen CVC 3-L CVC KIT: 7 FR X 16 CM (6”) Retail Price: Was: $1,153.95 Your Price: $796.95
Quick view Arrow International Arrowg+ard Blue Plus® Two-Lumen CVC PI CVC KIT: 2-L 7 FR X 20 CM AGB Retail Price: Was: $910.95 Your Price: $875.95
Quick view Arrow International ARROWg+ard Blue Plus Multi-Lumen CVC, 3-LUMEN 7 FR X 20 CM, 5/Cs Retail Price: Was: Your Price: $534.95
Quick view MultiLumen Pressure Injectable CVC KIT: 3L 7 FR X 20 CM 5/Case Retail Price: Was: Your Price: $604.95
Quick view Arrowg+ard Blue Three-Lumen CVC CVC KIT: 3-Lumen 7 FR X 30cm, 5/Case Retail Price: Was: Your Price: $717.95
Quick view Arrow International Two-Lumen CVC Kit w/Blue FlexTip ARROWg+ard Blue Catheter 5 Fr. x 2" Retail Price: Was: Your Price: $562.95
Quick view Arrow International ARROWg+ard Blue Two-Lumen Hemodialysis Catheter Kit, 2-LUMEN 14 FR X 15 cm Retail Price: Was: Your Price: $594.95
Quick view Arrow International Pressure Inject Arrowg, blue plus 2 Lumen , 7 Fr x 20 cm AGB Retail Price: Was: $1,452.95 Your Price: $875.95
Quick view Arrow International Pressure Injectable Arrowg+ard Blue Advance PICC SET 2-L: 5.5 FR X 55 CM Retail Price: Was: $1,059.95 Your Price: $1,007.95
Description QuantityComponent Description1Arrowg+ard Blue Plus®1 Three-Lumen Catheter: 7 Fr. (2.5 mm OD) x 16 cm, Pressure Injectable1Spring-Wire Guide, Marked: .032" (0.81 mm) dia. x 17-3/4" (45 cm) (Straight Soft Tip on One End - "J" Tip on Other) with Arrow Advancer1Catheter: 18 Ga. x 2-1/2" (6.35 cm) Radiopaque over 20 Ga. RW Introducer Needle1Injection Needle: SafetyGlide™2 25 Ga. x 1" (2.54 cm)1Blunt Fill Needle: 18 Ga. x 1-1/2" (3.81 cm)1Pressure Transduction Probe1Introducer Needle: Echogenic 18 Ga. x 2-1/2" (6.35 cm) XTW and 5 mL Arrow® Raulerson Spring-Wire Introduction Syringe1Injection Needle: SafetyGlide™2 22 Ga. x 1-1/2" (3.81 cm) and 5 mL Luer-Slip Syringe1Syringe: 3 mL Luer-Lock1Tissue Dilator: 8.5 Fr. (2.8 mm) x 10.2 cm15 mL 1% Lidocaine HCl Solution and Alcohol Prep13 mL Applicator 2% CHG and 70% IPA ChloraPrep®3 One-Step Solution with Hi-Lite Orange™ Tint1SecondSite™ Adjustable Hub: Fastener1SecondSite™ Adjustable Hub: Catheter Clamp1SharpsAway® II Locking Disposal Cup1SharpsAway® Disposal Cup1Maximal Barrier Drape™ with 4" fenestration1Needle Holder1Safety Scalpel: #111Flow Rate Information Card with Injection Log1Sterile Procedure Sign1Medication Label: 1% Lidocaine2Gauze Pad: 2" x 2" (5 cm x 5 cm)5Gauze Pad: 4" x 4" (10 cm x 10 cm)1Surgical Apparel: Impervious Gown1Surgical Apparel: Bouffant Cap1Surgical Apparel: Mask with Eye Shield1Suture: 3-0 Silk with Curved Needle