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Calibration Test Blood Pressure For Baumanometer Instruments Kit Black Each

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Your goal is to test instrument accuracy, not the process of blood pressure measurement. You will need a Baumanometer® instrument (mercury-gravity standard) and a “Y” connector with an inflation bulb and valve attached (see below for Test Kit ordering information). Connect one leg to the Baumanometer® instrument and the other to the blood pressure instrument to be tested.

Note: Cuffs and Bags are not used when conducting this test. 

  The Pressure Standard: A Baumanometer® instrument is functioning correctly and should be used as the pressure standard if:

The mercury meniscus is at zero with no pressure applied to the instrument.

The instrument is in a vertical position. note: The Standby model is calibrated at a 20o angle

The instrument responds promptly to pressure changes.


Any two Baumanometer® instruments, regardless of age, will provide accurate linear pressure readings at every pressure level if they meet the stated criteria for a correctly functioning manometer.


Test Procedure: Check each instrument to be sure that it is at zero. Slowly inflate the instruments to 250 mmHg and compare the readings. They should be the same, however a deviation of +/- 3 mmHg is acceptable. Repeat this procedure at 200 mmHg, 150 mmHg, 100 mmHg, 50 mmHg and 0 mmHg. If the deviation is greater than +/- 3 mmHg at any of these points, the instrument being tested is inaccurate and needs adjustment or repair.

Calibration "Y" connector (To use your Baumanometer® instrument as a standard for pressure measurement).