Certified Safety Manufacturing
CSM Liferaft Kit complies with USCG Code of Federal Regulations, Title 46, Part 160, Subpart 160.054. CSM Approval #160.054/20/0.
CSM Lifeboat Kit complies with USCG Code of Federal Regulations, Title 46, part 160, Subpart 160.041. CSM Approval #160.041/20/0.
All USCG units are shrink-wrapped and auto-bagged for water resistance.
USCG Liferaft Kit is packaged in a dual, heavy, frosty-clear zip-lock bag.
Dimensions: 11" x 9" x 5".
Kit is packaged in a Poly box.
10 Ammonia Inhalants
16 Certi-Strips, Plastic, 1"x3"
8 Bandage Compresses, 2"
3 Bandage Compresses, 4"
2 Certi-Gauze Rolls, 4"x6 yd.
6 Triangular Bandages With Pins, 40"
2 Gauze Compresses, 36"x36"
1 Wire Splint
40 Packs Aspirin Tablets, 2/pk
12 Certi-Burn Cream, 1 gm.
10 Eye Dressings (2-20 ml. Eye Wash, 2 Eye Pads, Tape)
10 PVP Iodine Wipe-Ups, 1"x2"
1 Tourniquet
1 First Aid Facts Sheet-Laminated