Features of the Thomas Advanced Life Support Pack: The premier ALS (Advanced Life Support) pack for the EMS industry today. The Thomas ALS pack is designed to carry virtually all of the equipment and supplies needed by emergency medical teams to perform advanced cardiac and trauma life support. The color coded ABC configuration (Airway, Bleeding & Cardiac Medicine) helps responder communicate and significantly increases equipment location recall while treating the critically ill. The Thomas ALS pack contains one small and one large exterior pocket, eight color coded removable sections, four exterior removable vinyl front pouches, 19 miscellaneous soft pouches. In total, the ALS pack includes over 100 individual dividers, elastic, and pouches. All removable cases and pouches are securely fastened in the pack to avoid loss of equipment and supplies, and are easily removed when needed. The removable color-coded and vinyl front pouches simplify restocking and allow rapid recognition and access to all equipment and supplies.